It is very necessary thing to know how to disable usb ports in Windows 7 system, if you have computer work with that operation system and it is used by several users, to stop unauthorized users from transferring data from your computer or stealing it, that happens with Computers of college halls or work etc, if you think how to disable usb ports in Windows 7 system is complex process, you absolutely wrong, we will explain it in detail with several ways, continue with us.
Disable or Enable USB Ports by Regedit
If you don’t know how to disable usb ports in Windows 7, by make changes in Registry files, follow these steps:
- Move to Start Menu.
- Write “Regedit” in the Search box to open the Registry Editor.
- Navigate to the key “KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\USBSTOR”
- Right-click on “Start” from the right-hand panel.
- That will appear “sub-menu”, select Modify.
- That will open a small pop-up window, change its value to 4 to disable usb port.
- Press “OK”.
Disable USB Ports from Device Manager
You can learn how to disable usb ports in Windows 7 operating system by Device Manager, all you have to do is follow these steps:
- Go to the menu “Start”.
- Write “devmgmt.msc” in the Search box to open “Device Manager”.
- Press on the “Universal Serial Bus Controllers”, it will show you a list of USB ports.
- Now click with the right mouse button on the USB port, then select disable or enable the port.
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Using Group Policy Editor
It’s another way, to know how to disable usb ports in Windows 7 with it, follow these steps:
- Press the desktop, and press the keys “Windows” + “R” together.
- That will open a “Local Group Policy Editor” for your system.
- Move to the Computer Configuration, then Administrative Templates, then System, then Removable Storage Access.
- Press “locate All Removable Storage classes: Deny all access” from the right-side, to open the settings tab.
- Select the Disabled option.
- Press the “Apply” button to save changes.
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Disconnect USB
It’s another way to disable ports, to know how to disable usb ports in Windows 7 operation system read this paragraph:
Right it is not possible disconnect all the USB ports from a motherboard,
But you can do another thing
Disconnect the ports which are on the top and front of the computer by plugging out the cable from the USB header.
By disconnecting the ports you can protect your files from stealing, because that prevent persons from easily misusing them.
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If you have any problem or difficult, you must know how to disable usb ports in Windows 7, may with special software such as “USB blocker” or other, where you can do this process easily.
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