Earn money from a Youtube channel: How? How to earn money from a Youtube channel. Everyone who owns a Youtube channel wants to make profits and earn money. This matter is available to everyone, but when certain conditions are met on the Youtube channel and the way to earn money from the Youtube channel is by displaying Google Adsense ads on the Youtube channel. Regarding this, we will discuss in The article question how to earn money from a Youtube channel.
Watch also How to make money on youtube 2022
Earn money from a Youtube channel
Earn money from a Youtube channel: How?
There is no other way than displaying ads to earn money from a Youtube channel.
So here we find Google Adsense is responsible for Youtube ads.
To be accepted into Youtube Adsense, you must create a channel with the following content.
Porn movies and violent clips and clips that are not allowed for families.
There are also conditions that your channel must meet to be eligible for admission to Adsense.
Terms of accepting the Youtube channel in Google Adsense
We will mention these conditions in the following titles and the price of every 1000 views for each country.
The conditions for accepting the Youtube channel in Google Adsense are:
The first condition is to achieve 1000 followers on your Youtube channel
As for the second condition, which is to reach 4000 happy views on your Youtube channel.
And here, there are two conditions to achieve profits from Google Adsense.
We find that the blog has many requirements for acceptance in Adsense, unlike the Youtube channel.
The price of 1000 views per country in Google Adsense
Earn money from a Youtube channel: How?
In the context of talking about earn money from a Youtube channel, the following points must be considered:
- Norway $14.16.Australia $11.01.Switzerland $10.58.
- US $10.32; Netherlands $8.7; UK $8.42; Germany $7.66.
- Sweden $7.43, Canada $6.79, Finland $6.68.
- Spain $5.55, France $7.66, Egypt $1.53.
- Saudi Arabia $3.61, United Arab Emirates $5.81, Kuwait $5.33.
- Qatar $7.54, Bahrain $8.0, Iraq $0.15.
- Algeria 0.12 dollars, Morocco 0.17 dollars, Jordan 1.27 dollars.
- Lebanon $0.57, Oman $3.43, Yemen $0.35.
- Tunisia $0.50, Libya $0.98, Syria $0.23.
- Sudan 0.45. Palestine dollar 0.75 dollars, Mauritania 0.13 dollars.
Countries in which profit from Youtube Adsense is
- Algeria, American Samoa. for Argentina.
- Aruba, Azerbaijan. Australia, Austria, Bahrain.
- Bolivia, Bosnia, and Herzegovina.
- Bulgaria Canada.
- The Cayman Islands.
- Colombia, Costa Rica.
- The Czech Republic.
- Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador.
- Finland. France, French Guiana.
- French Polynesia. Georgia. Germany, Ghana.
- Greece Guatemala.Guadeloupe. Guam, Honduras, Hong Kong.
- Iceland.
- Indonesia, Iraq, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan.
- Kenya, Kuwait, Latvia.
- Malaysia.
- Martinique.
- Mexico. The black Mountain.
- Morocco, West, sunset. Nepal.
- Holland, New Zealand, and other countries.
In conclusion,Earn money from a Youtube channel: How? about how to earn money from a Youtube channel. Adsense acceptance conditions you will find in the article. As for targeting the country with a high click price to achieve significant profits, you will find it in the article and the countries where the profit from Youtube is supported.
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