Know the ads revenue per 1000 views?

بواسطة | مايو 31, 2022 | غير مصنف | 0 تعليقات

What is the ads revenue per 1000 views?, this question round in mind any one work on the internet and want to earn the money from Google adsense, that it is one of the most popular methods to collect the money at the nows days, so that you choose in this article to talk about the ads revenue per 1000 views, if you are interested in this subject follow us.

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What is the ads revenue per 1000 views?

ads revenue per 1000 views

The ads revenue per 1000 views depends on the type of niche.

So if you have a tech site and one of the visitors clicks on ads, you will get $1.7 per every click.

Because, if you have thousands of visitors, and the Click-through-rate is 1%.

As a result you have 1 click per hundred visitors, and ten clicks per thousand visitors, so you’ll get $17 per 1000 visitors.

Where the average of Costs per Mille that you receive from your content.

That can be from $4 to $6 to every 1000 views to develop countries.

How can you get payments from Google adsense?

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After you know the ads revenue per 1000 views we will explain the way payment by ads.

You create the AdSense account for once, and the units of your ad up and running, and increase your views.

So, you must start to get payments from Google every month, where Google pays you about or over $100 every month.

The company pays you directly, depositing to your bank account or via check (where available).

In addition to that, if your earnings in a month don’t reach $100, it accumulates until it does.

What are the payment methods?

Including talking about ads revenue per 1000 views, it is worth knowing the methods that Google AdSense provides us.

  • PayPal payment method
  • Payment by Western Union
  • Payment by Cheques
  • Payment using Electronic Funds Transfers (ETF)
  • Payment with Wire Transfers
  • Western Union Quick Cash
  • Payment by Rapida
  • EFT via Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA)

All things that you need to do, choose the method that is suitable and works best for you.


After you know what the ads revenue per 1000 views is?, you can choose the way that is suitable for you, to start earning money from Google adsense by working on the internet, if you have any questions contact us, or go to Google support.


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